Consultancy and research



Like every well-established player in the telecommunications market we constantly monitoring trends in this and related fields, we invest considerable resources in expanding of our knowledge and know-how and all findings we immediately verify at our testing infrastructure.

And thus obtained and verified knowledge we gladly pass on.


Because we are not a manufacturer of terminal equipment nor telecommunications operator (nor with anyone tied so), we can afford to look at all aspects from the above – independently.

And this is our major field of activity - independent consultant in the field of telecommunications.

  • Analysis of telecommunications needs and design solutions
  • Selection of the optimal TSP for required use
  • Design and optimization of network infrastructure
  • Selection of appropriate terminal equipment
  • Single and automatic setting of terminal equipment
  • Numbering plan concept
  • Structure and content of IVR
  • Callcentre design

Spoken word belongs to the basic means of communication, and man is at his perception very sensitive and not very tolerant. And it realizes a minimum of responsible persons and telecommunication system is taken as granted with the status quo.

Yet few would suffice and the ecost of etelephone charges could be esignificantly reduced, the eeffectiveness of einternal and eexternal voice communications enhanced and the eoverall image of ethe ecompany would get further buttress.